B.Ed & M.Ed (23-04-2020 University notice) approximately exam will held on

Exam schedule 2nd 4th and 6th sem 1. Re appear and special chance exam will be start on 1 May. 2. BA additional exam will be held on ist week of May. 3. B.ED & M.Ed exam will held on Mid May. 4. Golden chance exam will start on ist May. Share like comment & subscribe YouTube :- https://youtu.be/iyrMDsuxMys Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNp3jLkBtV9/?igshid=1ehjh3yccmkcx Admissions starts B.Ed, M.Ed, E.T.T Bsc.Diet and Nutriotion, B.Pharmacy, D.Pharmacy Bsc.Hotel Management, B.sc .Agriculture, Msc (Physics,Chemistry,Math,Biology), B.MLT, B.MLS, MBA(HR,Finance,IT,Marketing),, Diploma (,Electrical,Mechanical, Computer,Elecronics,Civil Engineering), BCA, MCA,PGDCA, B.com ,BBA BA, MCA Leet B.tech(Civil,Mechanical,Electrical, Computer,Elecronics,Architecture,Automobile Engineering), Mtech (Mechanical,Production,Electronics,Computer),for Detail call Share&comment CONTACT A.P TEJINDER SINGH ...