Teaching and Testing are two Important Responsible of every Teacher. Today,the evaluation in the formal educational system id conceived of in a different from as compared to the traditional examination system. A variety of assessment and evaluation techniques, evaluation tools i.e tests of achievement, attitude, personality and interests, Questionnaires, rating scales, inventories etc are used frequently. Many different types of terms are used for the appraisal of the students. these include- measurement , assessment and evaluation.
Purpose of assessment and Evaluation:-
- To measure the performance and progress of individual students.
- To find out the effectiveness of their instructional programmes.
Concept of Assessment :- According to MIRRIAN -WEBSTER online dictionary, the word 'assessment' comes from the root word 'assess' which is defined as
- To determine the rate of amount of as a tax.
- Assessment in education is best described as an action '' to determine the importance, size or value of
- Assessment is a tool that measures how well the students achieve the learning outcomes. assessment is not a just a test at the end of a unit. it is found in all three learning components.
- The content.
- The process.
- The product.
It is performance based , seamless and ongoing. for this purpose, students need multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning.
- MIRRIAN -WEBSTER DICTIONARY," The action or instance assessing , appraisal, etc.''
- P.J Black & D.william, " The term assessment refers to all those activites under taken by teacher and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback t modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged.''
Assessment Triangle :-
- OBSERVATION :- Tests, situations for students to practise and demonstrate their knowledge & skills.
- INTERPRETATION:- Methods & tools to measure and reason about observation.
- COGNITION :- Theories of learning knowledge and skills of domain.
SWAMI VIVEKANAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (hons. in economics ) MA economics
B.Ed & M.Ed.