Education in Globalised Society

Globalization –Used to describe the growing integration of economics worldwide through increases in trade investment flows, and technology transfer.
What Globalization is all about?  Globalization describes the interplay across cultures of macro social forces. These forces include religion, politics, and economics. Globalization can erode and universalize the characteristics of a local group.

Characteristic of Globalization that can be linked to Education:• Educational Terms• Economic Terms –Is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology, and capital.
žPolitical Terms- Under globalization, politics can take place above the state through political integration schemes such as the European Union and through intergovernmental organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Political activity can also transcend national borders through global movements and NGOs. Civil society organizations act globally by forming alliances with organizations in other countries, lobbying international organizations and other actors directly, instead of working through their national governments.
žCultural Terms
žCultural Terms• Refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across national borders. This process is marked by the spread of commodities and ideologies, which become standardized around the world. Mass consumption serves as a facilitator between different people and cultures around the globe as a result of the exponential growth of the human population.
žAspects of Globalization
1. Industrial Globalization, Trans-Nationalization – refers to the rise and expansion of multinational and transnational enterprises
2. Financial Globalization – refers to the emergence of world wide financial markets and better access to external financing for corporate,, national and sub-national borrowers
žPolitical Globalization refers to the spread of political sphere of interests to the regions and countries outside the neighbourhood of political actors and the potential formation of a global citizen movement4. Information Globalization– refers to the increase in information flows between geographically remote locations5. Cultural Globalization– refers to the growth of cross-cultural contacts6. Globalism– refers to the universal internationalist impulse that the world is connected
Implication of Global Information Society in the Education System• Demands for widening the education access for all.• Continuous lifelong learning• Global versus local cultural development• Creation of new educational networked organization• Changing the educational management from hierarchical institutions to equal distributions of network organizations from commanding to negotiating• Demand for more flexible and general skills.
žGlobalization, the process of continuing integration of the countries  in the world is strongly underway in all parts of the globe. Education we know has an important  place in shaping society. Suggest the changes that has to take place in education  in India to  put up with globalization.
  • Give quality education and spread Indian culture and values.
  • Develop the skills of good communication, thinking, team work, facing responsibilities, creativity, and adaptability among students.
  • Give importance to technology based education.
  • žInclude more languages (Indian and Western) in our educational system.
  •  Give importance to social service, yoga and meditation- which will help the children to inculcate the values of    love of humanity, values like honesty, patriotism and self discipline, etc.
  • Students must be aware about political, economical and cultural atmosphere of our nation.
  • Give awareness about global challenges in our nation. And it will compare with other nations.
  • The educator must be understand the pull of market capitalism and the democratic imperatives of   our nation.
  • Include the essence of national integration and international understanding in our educational system.
  • Encouraging setting up of foreign universities in India.
  • To facilitate collaboration and partnership between Indian and Foreign universities in the field of   education.
  • Give importance to technical education- it must be able to respond to rising student expectations and demands of global competition.  
Privatisation is the process of  transferring  an enterprise or industry from the public sector to the private sector.  Comment on the advantages of privatisation of education in India.
  • Privatization is the process of transferring an enterprise, agency, business, public property from the public sector to the private sector.
  • The schools give importance to establishing social contracts which will help to the students in their future life.
  • žParents have greater freedom of choice to admit their children.
  • Private schools have excellent records of academic and sporting achievements.
  • The private schools give the opportunity to the students to use experimental methods.
  • Through privatization the Government can reduce the state spending on providing the public education.
  • žThe private sectors maintain self- discipline.
  • žThe universities and colleges functioned efficiently and effectively.
  • The infrastructure facilities are well equipped.
  • Educational achievements play a role in social mobility also.
  • Privatization provides quality education.
  • žThrough privatization the quality of teacher-pupil interaction will be increased.
  • Private schools are the influential factors that determine the better performance of the students.  
žInternationalization of higher education in theory is "the process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of postsecondary education."  Internationalization of higher education in practice is "the process of commercializing research and postsecondary education, and international competition for the recruitment of foreign students from wealthy and privileged countries in order to generate revenue, secure national profile, and build international reputation." The main components of internationalization of higher education are recruitment of international students, development of international branch campuses, students, staff and scholars exchange programs, internationalization of the curriculum, and research and education partnerships between institutions regionally and internationally.
žThere are specific rationales which are driving the internationalisation and strategies which are being used in the internationalisation of the high education institutions (HEIs)
žCommercialization of Education
  • žIn this modern era, EDUCATION is no more giving knowledge or teaching a child so that he/she can know more and more about the society.Rather it has converted into a business in almost every institution charge a huge amount in return of the facilities they provide.
  • In the best educational institutions of the world, donations are taken in return of registering an average student and giving him education.
  • Advertisements made by the schools, colleges, coachings, etc is a way of getting more and more customers in form of students and surely their business is prospering day by day.
  • Basically the parents are being cheated in the name of education.
  • Even if it gives rise to a new industry, this industry will not be able to fulfil its social responsibility towards the society.
  • žThe system of education in the world has to improve, the meaning of education has to improve.Providing education should not be limited to providing lumsum amount of money.The meaning should be giving quality educationton the youth to develop the world.
  • This is not what "I" as an individual or "you" as an individual can do.For this many "I" have to come together to give rise to a "we" and this "we" will be able to convey this message to the world.
žEconomic Issues• Worldwide inequality• Consistency and quality of educational experiences remain patchy• Secondary education in developing countries remains quite weak• New technologies of globalization
Political Issues• Constraint on national/state policy• Economic coordination and exchange• Global conflict• Crime• Terrorism• Environmental issues
Conflict and Consensus Perspective on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization
Forces of Globalization• Taxing youth• Families• Education system
Experiences of youth will be linked to:• Economic realities• Social processes• Technological and media innovations• Cultural flow
Roles of education• Education will need both rethinking and restructuring if schooling is to best prepare the children and the youth of the world to engage globalization’s new challenges, opportunities and costs.• Education should shape the cognitive skills, interpersonal sensibilities, and cultural sophistication of children and youth whose lives will be both engaged in local contexts and responsive to larger transnational process
žB. Finance-related issues– In order to be a part of global configuration, the requirement of funds for social services including education win increase manifold.C. Privatization of secondary and higher education– As a corollary to the suggestions about reducing public investment in secondary and higher education, a plea has been made to hand over these sectors to private bodies.
žImpact on Education• It will mean or more competitive and deregulative educational system.• With more pressure on it to assure that the next generation of workers are prepared for some amorphous job market of 21st century.• Educational system will increasingly provide the sites of struggle over the meaning and power of national identity and a national culture.
žWhat are the Core Values and Competencies for Global Education ?
ž Core Values Core Skills and Competencies
 Peace & non-violence 
 Self-worth & self-affirmation• 
Social justice •
 Affirmation & others•
 Human rights •
 Cultural & racial differences•
 Economic well-being & •
 Critical thinking equity •
 Effective communication skills•
 Cultural integrity •
 Non-violent conflict resolution•
 Ecological balance & meditation•
 Democratic participation •
 Imagination •
 Effective organizing
žSocio-Cultural, Economic and Political Issues on Globalization
ž Socio-cultural Issues•
Massive migration- are changing the ways we experience national identities and cultural belonging•
Managing difference- is becoming one of the greatest challenges to multicultural countries• 
Global changes in culture- deeply affect educational policies, practices and institutions
What are these needed reforms in education?
  1. Content of Education 
  2. A. Curriculum Up-gradation- the modern advances in information technology have revolutionized among others, the content of knowledge and the process of educational transaction B. Productivity Orientation- the basic objective of globalization is to enhance productivity and to make the educational system an instrument in preparing students who can complete in the world markets as productive members of the society.
  3. The Fall out of Globalization 
  4. A. Internationalization of education – This has become a worldwide phenomenon because of the entry World Trade Organization (WTO) and the inclusion of educational services under the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) which has given a boost to the internationalization of higher education.
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