Teacher education reaches teachers at all levels of education namely Pre primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary and Higher Education .The need and requirements of students and education vary at different levels . Hence level and stage – specific teacher preparation is essential.
Aims and objectives of teacher at pre– primary level
  • Pre-primary stage is not the stage for formal education. Literacy should not be the concern at this level though it prepares children for elementary schools
  • Learning at this stage may be characterised by group activities, play way techniques, language and, number games and activities directed to promote socialisation and environmental awareness among children and help them in the process of attaining physical, mental and emotional maturity 
  • Approaches in developing life skills and the formation of good habits and living togetherness need to be addressed with great care.
  • To ensure happy and healthy childhood by means of varied activities have to be the main focus
  • To prepare teachers for helping physical, mental, social, emotional, aesthetic and linguistic development of children by means of individual and group activities.

  • To impart them relevant knowledge of child psychology, basics of cultural anthropology, sociology, Indian heritage and child’s environment.
  • To develop among them the capacity and desire for obtaining parental cooperation and establish coordination with the agencies working in similar areas.
  • To empower them to organize educational games and supplementary activities for children. • To arrange field trips for nature study and train their power of observation and appreciation
  • To enable them to prepare, select and use different kinds of materials at low cost with a focus on sensory and motor development of children.
  • To empower them to develop self-concept, self-esteem and the art of self-expression and sense of discrimination and appreciation among the children. • To enable them to develop environmental awareness among children.
  • To empower them to inculcate the art of living good life.
  • To make the teachers aware of the nature, purpose, problems and issues of elementary education.
  • To enable them to understand the nature and maturity of children for imparting education and to ensure their many sided development.
  • To enable them to manage and mobilise community resources for the school and teaching.
  • To empower pupil teachers to impart and organise instruction of unified and integrated subjects, their nature and purpose in the new educational and social context.
  • To develop holistic approach for understanding and solving the problems of life.
  • To create environmental awareness with the intent of promoting its protection / preservation
  • To prepare them to use the latest constructivist pedagogy and evaluation techniques and
  • To enable them to impart value education, life skills education, work education and feel their responsibility towards the education of neglected sections of society including those affected by diseases and deprivation of various forms.

Aims and objectives – secondary stage
  • To maintain the continuity of elementary education and to prepare students for the study of diversified courses and appropriate selection of subjects at the senior secondary stage.
  • To empower the prospective teachers to adopt disciplinary approach in teaching, and to develop among students interest in such studies.
  • To enable them to understand the implications of liberalization, privatization, globalization (LPG) free market, W.T.O. and Outsourcing etc. on education and adopt precautionary measures against their unsound effects.
  • To train them in the use of ICT, its advantages, disadvantages and safeguards,
  • To curtail the educational and cultural gap between the rich and the poor the schools meant for them by adopting suitable educational approaches.
  • To develop among the prospective teachers love for Indian culture, and its contribution to the world and to inculcate a sense of national pride and identity.
  • To enable them to develop the teaching competencies and performance skills for the subjects they have to teach, using appropriate aids including ICT, organise supplementary educational activities and elicit community cooperation.
  • To enable them to integrate yogic, health, physical, aesthetic and inclusive education with other educational activities. • To enable the prospective teachers to orient and sensitive the students with care and caution about Life Skill education. HIV / AIDS preventive education, reproductive health, etc.4.
  • To develop among teachers an acceptable desired perspective about academic stream and understanding of its nature, purpose and philosophy.
  • To make them aware of the philosophy, purpose and teaching learning strategies of the subjects they have to teach
  • To enable them to guide learners and prepare them for self – study, independent learning, to develop reference skills, undertake group learning, critical thinking, conceptualisation, self – evaluation of their own performance and derive knowledge information from ICT, & mass media
  • To develop among them the competencies to communicate abstract and complex ideas and concepts in simple terms
  • To develop among them the skills for promoting patriotic feeling national consciousness, social cohesion, communal harmony and universal brotherhood.
  • To enable them to orient and sensitize the students about HIV / AIDS, preventive education and to bring attitudinal change in understanding numerous problems relating to healthy life, life skill development, stigma and discrimination etc.
Aims and objectives – higher education
  • To impart enriched vocational education which is essential for success in competitive and open market economy,
  • To enable them to impart the skills of marketing, market survey, salesmanship and advertisement,
  • To enable them to design courses and competencies needed for self – employment,
  • To enable the prospective teachers to inculcate dignity and morality of work and produce work culture among their students.


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