Recent devlopment in curriculam designing :NCF-2005 and NCFTE-2009

What is NCF?

—It is a document seeks to provide a framework within which teachers and schools can choose and plan experiences that they think children should have. It address four issues such as educational purpose, educational experience, organization of experience and assessing learner.
—It differs from Curriculum and Syllabus. It is only suggestive and provides guidelines on different aspects of education .NCF came in 1975, 1988, 2000 and 2005 Earlier NCFs were based Behaviorist psy but NCF 2005 based on Constructivist .All the states also developed SCF in line with NCF

Why NCF?

NCF as means of evolving a National system of Education capable of responding to Indias diversity of geographical and cultural milieus while ensuring common core of values along with academic components To make school education comparable across the country in qualitative terms and also making it as means of ensuring national integration without compromising on the country's pluralistic character.
—Why NCF 2005 :To remove ills of present school education. Inflexibility of school practice Learning becomes a isolated activity than life .School discouraging creative thinking Neglecting whole personality of child .Neglecting present of child for future.
Development of NCF-2005 

National Steering Committee was set up under chairman ship of Prof. Yash Pal and 21 national Focus groups .National Focus groups are: Aims of edn, Teaching Eng, Teaching Sc/SS/Math, technology etc .Finally discussed and passed in CABE on 7th Sept. 2005

—Contents of NCF 2005 Perspective: guiding principles Learning and Knowledge: Curricular area: School and classroom: Systemic reform:
—Perspectives Strengthening National system of edn Reducing curriculum load Curriculum as per constitutional values.
Guiding Principles
Guiding principles : Connecting knowledge to life outside school .Learning is shifted away from rote method .Overall development of child NOT textbook centric .Exam system more flexible and integrated with classroom life and Nurturing democratic polity of the country
Learning and Knowledge • Reorientation of our perception to learner and learning • Child centered pedagogy • Holistic approach to learners development • Adequate room for children thought, curiosity, and questions in teaching • Connecting knowledge across boundaries • Inclusive environment in class for all.
Critical pedagogy: opportunity to reflect critically on issues in terms of their political, social, economic and moral aspects by open discussion and encouraging and recognizing multiple views. • Contextualisation of teaching with children's and local knowledge.
Guiding principles : Connecting knowledge to life outside school .Learning is shifted away from rote method .Overall development of child NOT textbook centric .Exam system more flexible and integrated with classroom life and Nurturing democratic polity of the country
Learning and Knowledge Reorientation of our perception to learner and learning • Child centered pedagogy • Holistic approach to learners development • Adequate room for children thought, curiosity, and questions in teaching • Connecting knowledge across boundaries • Inclusive environment in class for all.
Critical pedagogy: opportunity to reflect critically on issues in terms of their political, social, economic and moral aspects by open discussion and encouraging and recognising multiple views. • Contextualization of teaching with children's and local knowledge.
School and Classroom Environment 

—School environment: colourful, friendly and peaceful, with lots of open space offering with animals, plants, flowers, trees and toys. Class size: Not higher than 1:30 ,Democratic classroom practice ,Participation of Community members ,Participation of all learners in class work ,Policy of inclusion to be followed

 Text books: Carefully written and designed, professionally edited and tested, offering not merely factual information but interactive space for children. • Writer focus on elaboration of concepts, activities, spaces for wondering about problems, exercise encouraging thinking and small group work. • Thinking for Multiple text book.

Systemic Reform
Evolving Common school system :Teaching as professional activity: Reflective Practice  .Tr should get minimum infrastructure facilities for better teaching. Locally planned, flexible school calendars and time tables
— Encouraging community participation for enhancing quality and accountability in teacher : PRI • Academic leadership of Principals is related to performance school • In service edn of teacher can not be Event but Process- which includes knowledge development and change in attitudes, skills and practice- through interaction both in workshop setting and in the school.
— Exam. Reform: Shift form content based testing to problem solving and competency based assessment. • Open ended questions to be asked • Exam of shorter duration • Flexible time limit • Guidance and counselling be made part of school.
NCF-Aims of Education
NCF-Aims of Education (Based on the Constitutions’ Vision of India)
Independence of thought and action  
Learning to respond to new situations flexibly and creatively 
 Pre-disposition for participation in democratic process and social change
 Empower all children to learn
NCFTE 2009
—National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education NCFTE 2009 is an attempt to improve Teacher Education in India and to prepare ideal, innovative , humane and affectionate teachers.
—It is well said that God could not exist everywhere , so he made mothers as his representative ;Minerva (Goddess of knowledge ) could not exist everywhere ; so she made Teacher. ¨ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam believes that teachers have tremendous responsibility in shaping the life of individuals.
Development of NCFTE
—Initial draft of NCFTE 2009 was developed by a Committee of experts , including Prof. V.K. Sabharwal, Prof. S.V.S. Chaudhary , Prof. C.L.Anand, Prof. C. Seshadri, Prof. R.S. Khan, Prof. Raja Ganesan and Prof. L.C.Singh , on the basis of conversation by members of committee with eminent scholars , teacher educators, trainee teachers, representatives of NGO , RIE Ns of NCERT , SCERTs,DIETs, CTEs, IASEs,University, Deptt. of Education and State departments of education. 
— Chapterization of NCFTE 2009 is s follows :
Chapter – 1 : Context , concerns and Vision of Teacher Education
Chapter – 2 : Curricular Ares of initial teacher preparation.
Chapter -3 :Transacting the curriculum and evaluating the developing teacher.
Chapter – 4 : Continuing Professional Development and Support for In Service teachers.
Chapter – 5 : Preparing teacher educators.
Chapter – 6 : Implementation strategies.
—1. Report of the Education Commission (1964-66). 2.National Policy on Education 1986. ¨ The Challenges of Education (1985) made statement ,”We are on the threshold of development of new technologies likely to revolutionise teaching in our classrooms. But unfortunately the process of updating the curriula has been very slow.”
— Further teacher education curriculum has been revised in 1998 and the most recent being paper on teacher education (NCERT, 2005) and National Framework for Teacher Education 2009 to reflect on various facets of the teacher education programmes.

The curriculum and its pedagogy
The curriculum and its pedagogy:  Focussed on student teacher and her behaviour. Consider teaching as telling and explaining. Focus should be on learning various pedagogic methods, but teacher educators don’t apply in classrooms. (heavy curriculum)
Evaluation Based on exhibition of LP. Negligible participation of school teachers. Lack of process of assessment mapping the development of her ability to engage students during teaching.
School Experience Programme Actual experience in working in schools. ¨ Trainees are expected to adjust to present school system. ¨ Lack of coordination between trainees and school teachers in developing transaction plan. Examining their bias and reflecting on their own experiences is not part of discourse. No leisure interaction with children to understand them bette
Make pre – service teacher preparation part of higher education system. It should be a degree and not a certificate or diploma. Work upon NCFTE which promotes teacher as the enabler of a positive learning environment rather than source of all knowledge.
Educators for pre primary, primary and secondary education need to have separate programmes for preparation.2 year M.Ed. Elementary programme.  Current M.A./M.Sc. Programmes extended to include pedagogy courses and school experience component. Teachers of the schools need to be trained in the concept of effective mentoring. 22
Systematic admission procedure. Teacher Aptitude Test should be there. Teacher education curriculum should be upgraded. B.Ed programmes have become weak in theory and practice, so its duration should be increased into two years. School Internship should be increased to six months
NCFTE 2009 promises to translate the vision into reality and prepare humanistic and reflective teachers that has potential to develop ,more professional teachers and improve the quality of education.Teacher educators should be able to engage in thinking and reflection and be committed to continuous learning and development of their knowledge to keep abreast of latest researches, innovations and improvement in process of education..

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