TEACHER EDUCATION:Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classrooms, schools and wider community.
DEFINITION: A programme of education, research and training of persons to teach from pre- primary to higher education level. -(National Council for Teacher Education)
DEFINITION:Teacher education encompasses teaching skills, sound pedagogical theory and professional skills. (W.H. Kilpatrick) • Teacher Education = Teaching Skills + Pedagogical skills + Professional skills.
  1. Teacher education is a continuous process.
  2. Teacher education is broad and comprehensive
  3. It is ever-evolving and dynamic
  4. The crux of the entire process of teacher education lies in its curriculum, design, structure, organization and transaction modes
1.Imparting an adequate knowledge of the subject matter 
2. Equipping the prospective teachers with necessary pedagogic skills 
3. Enabling the teacher to acquire understanding of child psychology 
4. Developing proper attitudes towards teaching 
5. Developing self-confidence in the teachers 
6. Enabling teachers to make proper use of instructional facilities.

IMPORTANCE OF TEACHER TRAINING "If you educate a boy, you educate one individual. If you educate a girl, you educate the whole family and if you educate a teacher, you educate the whole community."
(i) Better Understanding of the Student 
(ii) Building Confidence 
(iii) Using Methodology of Teaching 
(iv) Building favourable Attitude 
(v) Familiarizing with the Latest in Education 
(vi) Making familiar with School organization 
(vii) Creating social Insight 
(viii) Improving Standards 
(ix) Training for Democracy.
1. Pre-primary teacher education [higher secondary, one year] 
2. Primary teacher education [higher secondary, two years ] 
3. Secondary teacher education [graduation, one year] 
4. Higher education programmes [One-year M.Ed. Course, Two-year M. A in Education, Two-year Ph.D. course after M.Ed./M.A. ] 
5. Vocational Teachers Training [One-year Diploma in Physical Education (DPE), Training courses to prepare teachers of Music, Dancing, Painting and Fine Arts, One-year training course to prepare teachers for Home Science, Certificate courses in Arts & Crafts] CHALLENGES IN..
National Curriculum Framework on Teacher Education – highlighted specific objectives, broad areas of study in terms of theoretical and practical learning, and curricular transaction and assessment strategies for the various initial teacher education programmes. – outlines the basic issues that should guide formulation of all programmes of these courses. – recommendations on the approach and methodology of in- service teacher training programmes – outlined a strategy for implementation of the Framework.
The Framework has some important dimensions of the new approach to teacher education: – Reflective practice to be the central aim of teacher education – Student-teachers should be provided opportunities for self- learning, reflection, assimilation and articulation of new ideas – Developing capacities for self-directed learning and ability to think, be critical and to work in groups – Providing opportunities to student-teachers to observe and engage with children, communicate with and relate to children.
1. Several types of teacher education institutions thereby lacking in uniformity. 
2. Poor standards with respect to resources for colleges of education. 
3. Unhealthy financial condition of the colleges of education 
4. Incompetent teacher educators resulting in deficiency of scholars. 
5. Improper selection of the candidates (student teachers) to be admitted.
6. Traditional curriculum and teaching methods of teaching in the teacher education programme. 
7. Haphazard and improper organization of teacher education. 
8. Unplanned and insufficient co-curricular activities. 
9. Inadequate duration of the teacher programme. 
10. Feedback mechanisms lacking.
TEACHER EDUCATION IN INDIA • Teacher education is provided by several Universities, affiliated colleges, private and open Universities in India.
 • list
The Teacher Education Policy in India has evolved over time and is based on recommendations contained in various Reports of Committees/Commissions on Education: – the Kothari Commission (1966) – the Chattopadyay Committee (1985) – the National Policy on Education (NPE 1986/92) – Acharya Ramamurthi Committee (1990) – Yashpal Committee (1993) – and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF, 2005)
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, which became operational from 1st April, 2010, has important implications for teacher education in the country.
To enhance the institutional capacity available at present for ensuring the adequate supply of trained teachers for all levels of school education.
To utilise all possible kinds of institutions for in- service training of the existing cadre at all levels.
To bring about synergy between institutional structures operating at different levels.

With Indian independence in 1947, several educational reforms were made in system and also made changes for the education of teachers’ n India. • One of the first steps was establishing University Education Commission which happened in 1948, and regulated the educational requirement of teachers in India. • Later in late 1960 the commission emphasized on the necessity of a professional training course in order to improve the education system.
During the same time National council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was also formed, and this body reviewed and regulated the education of teachers. • In 1974, National Council for Teacher Education was established; this non-statutory body was a part of NCERT. • Gradually by 1990’s this profession had become popular with opening of several private schools and colleges and improved salary structure in both Government and Private schools.
Newly visualized Teacher Education Program - – Emphasizes learning as a self-learning participatory process taking place in social context of learner‘s as well as wider social context of the community to nation as a whole. – Puts full faith in self learning capacity of school children and student teacher and evolving proper educative programme for education. – Views the learner as an active participate person in learning. His/her capabilities or potentials are seen not as fixed but capable of development through experiences.
Newly visualized Teacher Education Program – – Views the teacher as a facilitator, supporting, encouraging learner‘s learning. – Does not treat knowledge as fixed, static or confined in books but as something being constructed through various types of experiences. It is created through discussion, evaluate, explain, compare and contrasts i.e., through interaction. – Emphasizes that appraisal in such an educative process will be continuous, will be self-appraisal, will be peer appraisal, will be done by teacher educators, and formal type too.

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