INCLUSIVE EDUCATION : (B) SECONDARY SCHOOL STAGE [Paper–13, 14 & 15 (v)B] (Semester–IV) M.Ed
[Paper–13, 14 & 15 (v)B] (Semester–IV)
Time : Two Hours]
[Maximum Marks : 70
2370/M/1210/HHH/191 [P. T. O.
Total Pages : 4
Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss in detail the social and educational contexts of inclusion.
2.What constitutional safeguards does PWD Act, 1995 provide? Discuss in light of inclusive education.
3. Highlight the challenges of identification of special education needs. How do these challenges affect the planning and management of education of children with disabilities?
4. Give a detailed account of role of government in safeguarding rights of children with disabilities.
5. How effective is blended model for universal schooling? Give your critical comments.
VI. Discuss in detail the pedagogic barrier in universal schooling. Suggest some measures to overcome these barriers.
VII. Explain various provisions for CWSN in RMSA.
VIII. Summarize the impact assessment of special welfare schemes for disabled groups.
IX. Short answer type questions (Approx. 30 words) :
(i) RCI Act, 1992.
(ii) Certification of special education needs.
(iii) List any three provisions as per National Trust Act, 1999.
(iv) Psychological contexts of Inclusion.
(v) Mental Health Act, 1987.
(vi) Policy on special support staff for CWSN.
(vii) ProvisionsforCWSNinIEDSS.(Anythreeprovisions)
(viii) Learning outcome.
(ix) Physical barrier in universal schooling.
(x) Marginalized groups.
Punjabi version