Psychology of Learning and Development M.Ed ist sem 2020


M.Ed. Two Year programme part I Semester 

Psychology November 2019

Section A

1. What is Gagne's theory of learning? Explain in detail.

2. Explain Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

3. Describe verbal and non-verbal tests of intelligence.

4. Observation under natural conditions and under controlled conditions, generally called experimentation are said to be the chief methods of psychology. Show by means of examples, the use of this method.

Section B

5.Explain the role cf teacher in mininnizing adjustment problems of the students.

6.what is Personality? Explain Projective Techniques of assessment of personality. ?

7. write short notes on the following methods of development creativity:

 a. Brain-storming

b. Group discussion

c. Play-way

d. problem solving

8.Define motivation. How will you motivate a child who does not want to learn? How can a teacher use it effectivery in a crass-room situation?

Section C


Write short notes on the following:

i. Allport's theory of personality

ii. Structure of lntellect (SOI) by Guilford in (Only structure).

iii. Scope of Educational psychology

iv. Organizational Stress

v. Experimental case study

vi. Educational implication of Bruner's theory of cognitive development.

vii. Kohler's theory of learning.

viii. Ways and means for promoting mental health of teachers. ix. Organizational Stressors.

x. Types of conflict.


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