LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION (Secondary School Stage) Paper–13, 14 & 15 (iv) Opt. (b) Semester–IV M.Ed

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LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION (Secondary School Stage) Paper–13, 14 & 15 (iv) Opt. (b) Semester–IV

Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concept of life skills and state the importance of social and negotiation skills.

2. Discuss the perspectives of Piaget and Vygotsky in development theories.

3. What are the pillars of education? How are these related to life skills?

4. How do life skills promote social harmony and national integration?

5. How can life skills help the children who are prone to exclusion in school settings?

6. Can knowledge of life skills be helpful in making a career? How?

7. What are the challenges in achieving quality learning outcomes at secondary stage.

8. What are the implications of life skills for well being at secondary school stage?

9. Write brief answers :

1. Describe coping skills.

2. What are the stages in Ericson's psycho-social development theory?

3. How can good thinking skills be given at secondary stage?

4. State importance of Learning to live together.

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LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION (Secondary School Stage) Paper–13, 14 & 15 (iv) Opt. (b) Semester–IV

Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concept of life skills and state the importance of social and negotiation skills.

2. Discuss the perspectives of Piaget and Vygotsky in development theories.

3. What are the pillars of education? How are these related to life skills?

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5. Discuss media influence and life skills for adolescents.

6. Who are children at risk?

7. How can life skills help deal with peer pressure?

8. What is substance abuse? How can adolescents be educated to keep away from this?

9. Write evaluation strategies for life skills training programmes.

10. How are well being and life skills related?



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